Maynard Manyowa fights to clear his name after claims he beat up his wife

June 15, 2022
| Report Focus News

Public figure and celebrated journalist and photographer Maynard Manyowa is currently fighting to clear his name after a picture of his wife Mutsa Gutsa was splashed on social media.

In the picture Mutsa has some bruises on her face and lips.  Nonetheless,  it is difficult to ascertain or authenticate when the picture was taken.
A sources close to Manyowa whom this publication spoke to with regards this case said, “the allegations levelled against Maynard that he beat up Musta are false, the issue is not as claimed on social media.

Mutsa Gutsa | Report Focus News
“What actually transpired is that Maynard confronted Musta with regards an issue that is now in the courts, Musta sold some of Maynard’s furniture and attempted to fraudulently change ownership of their house, perhaps with the intention to sell it and those efforts were thwarted. Frustrated because of that she cooked up a plan to fain domestic violence and a small altercation between the two on Sunday morning past presented an opportunity for Mutsa to cry gender based violence.” Said the source.

“The injured party in this case is actually Maynard. He sustained a stub wound on his hand and he really was trying to restrain Mutsa in all this.  There were witnesses and I was one of them.” the source continued.

“The sad part about all this is how this was all plotted and designed to tarnish and soil Maynard’s character.

Mutsa and her allies were quick to rush to social media and cry gender based violence.  They were swift to tag Maynard’s place of employment and the university where he is currently studying. The objective being to get him fired and expelled from the university and possibly kicked out of the U.K. it is not only sad but vindictive. We had initially advised Maynard to press charges of assault after he was stabbed but he preferred not to.” Said the source.

Meanwhile, the case which is said to be the real issue that triggered these accusations and allegations was heard in the courts today. Musta Gutsa is accused of selling furniture belonging to Maynard Manyowa amounting to over $14000 USDollars.

| Report Focus News | Report Focus News

In the wake of the Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard case one would have hoped that such cases whereby women accuse men falsely would stop, but, such vindictive case abound.

Violence is violence and has no sex.  Society in our day automatically blames the men as the abuser and presents the woman as the victim. Women are not the only ones who suffer from violence. Men, children and elderly people are also victims of violence, so that is why people should not only focus on women, but condemn all violence, domestic and gender based as well as tackle the culture that is now emerging that of soiling another’s character by falsely accusing them of gender based violence.