United Nations Security Council calls for end to Ethiopia conflict

November 5, 2021
Ethiopian government soldiers ride in the back of a truck on a road near Agula northern Ethiopia Source AP | Report Focus News
Ethiopian government soldiers ride in the back of a truck on a road near Agula, northern Ethiopia. Source: AP

The United Nations Security Council has called for a ceasefire in Ethiopia, expressing “deep concern” over the escalation of fighting in the north of the conflict-hit country.

The yearlong conflict between federal government troops and Tigrayan forces has killed thousands of people and displaced more than 2.5 million people. The UN has said up to 7 million people in the regions of Tigray, Amhara and Afar need help, including 5 million in Tigray where some 400,000 people are estimated to be living in famine-like conditions.

A meeting of the Security Council previously scheduled to take place on Friday was rescheduled for early next week, shortly before it was due to take place.

Instead, in a joint press statement, the 15 members of the UN’s most powerful body “expressed deep concern about the expansion and intensification of military clashes in northern Ethiopia”.

The Security Council further called on all parties to refrain “from inflammatory hate speech and incitement to violence and divisiveness” and urged them “to put an end to hostilities and to negotiate a lasting ceasefire”. The council members also called for unhindered access for humanitarian aid and the re-establishment of public services, among others.

The members had been negotiating a statement for several days and eventually reached a compromise with Russia on the text, diplomats said.

Months of political tensions between Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s government and the leaders of the Tigrayan People’s Liberation Front (TPLF), who once dominated Ethiopia’s government, exploded into war in November 2020.

Following some of the fiercest fighting of the conflict, Ethiopia soldiers fled Tigray’s capital, Mekelle, in June.

In recent weeks, the conflict has expanded beyond Tigray’s borders, into the neighbouring regions of Amhara and Afar.

The Tigrayan forces, which have struck an alliance with the Oromo Liberation Army, have said they seized key cities on a major highway leading to Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa, and threatened to march towards it. The Ethiopian government has accused the Tigrayan forces of exaggerating their territorial gains.

Much of northern Ethiopia is under a communications blackout and access for journalists is restricted, making battlefield claims difficult to verify independently.

Amid growing international alarm over the prospect of an all-out war in Africa’s second most populous country, the federal armed forces on Friday appealed to retired soldiers and veterans to rejoin the military, setting a November 24 deadline to register.

In the past week, the government has also declared a six-month state of emergency and local authorities told civilians in the capital to register their weapons and prepare to defend their neighbourhoods.

On Friday, the United States embassy in Addis Ababa advised all US citizens to leave the country “as soon as possible”, describing the security situation as “very fluid”.