South Africa’s president Ramaphosa names Cabinet that is 50% women

May 29, 2019
| Report Focus News

South Africa’s president has named a Cabinet that is 50% women, making the country one of few in the world to be “gender-balanced.”

President Cyril Ramaphosa’s announcement follows similar moves by Ethiopia and Rwanda last year.

Ramaphosa also trimmed the Cabinet from 36 ministers to 28 as he seeks to reduce the bloating under predecessor Jacob Zuma, who stepped down last year under pressure amid corruption allegations.

Fighting the corruption and mismanagement that has consumed billions of rand is the major issue facing the ruling African National Congress, whose election win this month was the weakest in 25 years in power.

South Africa’s new Cabinet retains Deputy President David Mabuza, who also has faced graft allegations, Finance Minister Tito Mboweni and Public Enterprises Minster and former finance minister Pravin Gordhan.