Confusion over fuel prices reigns in Zimbabwe

May 29, 2019
Report Focus News

Harare-Confusion reigned supreme in Zimbabwe after reports of yet another fuel increment circulated on social media platforms.

By Wednesday morning most service stations had been withholding the scarce commodity amid fears that the price increment might be effected.

However, Information Minister Monica Mutsvangwa speaking during a post cabinet briefing said they were ceased with issue and no increment was expected.

“Cabinet received a weekly report by the Minister of Energy and Power Development on the country’s fuel situation. The Minister indicated that the country’s fuel supply situation is beginning to stabilise.

“He also informed that it had come to his notice that some fuel service stations were now selling fuel at prices as high as RTGS$7 per litre. He met them soon after Cabinet and warned them to desist forthwith from this illegal and unacceptable practice” said Minister Mutsvangwa

Mutsvangwa said the Zimbabwe Regulatory Authority (ZERA) personnel will be in full force to monitor the situation.

“Going forward, ZERA personnel shall be out in full force, carrying out spot checks at all service stations. Those found on the wrong side of the law will bear the consequences” she said

Speculation of a fuel increment was high yesterday as social media was awash with news that it had increased to RTGS $7,80 per litre.

By late night Tuesday, commuter omnibus operators had hiked fares with the cheapest trip going for RTGS $2 whilst the highest was RTGS $5 per trip.

The current price for a litre of petrol is pegged at RTGS $4,98 with diesel at $4,89.

A fuel price increase in February triggered mass protests that claimed several lives and injured many.

Zimbabwe has been experiencing a fuel shortage owing to foreign currency shortages and has seen prices of basic goods spiralling to alarming levels.