Buhari’s use of state resources and infrastructure to campaign for re-election; unfair advantage over opposition

February 14, 2019
| Report Focus News

Millions had waited in anticipation for President Muhammadu Buhari’s television address in which he was expected to make an important announcement with regards elections. Some political observers had speculated that he may postpone the election.

But in a rare state boradcast on Thursday evening Buhari took advantage of the state resources and tools using the opportunity to generously list the achievements of his administration and urged the people to “vote wisely”.

Political observers have laid blame on Buhari accusing him of using the national broadcast to subtly campaign for his reelection.

Buhari began the speech by urging the people to freely exercise their rights, but then spent virtually the rest of the 20-minute speech campaigning for his administration.

“In making your choice this time, please ask yourself whether, and in what ways, others will do anything different to address the issues of Agriculture, Infrastructure, Security, Good Governance and Fighting Corruption,” he said as he wound up his speech.

“If they are only hoping to do what we are already doing successfully, we are clearly your preferred choice. Think carefully and choose wisely. This time, it is a choice about consolidating on growth for Jobs and Prosperity.

“February 16th is all about a choice. But it is more than a choice between APC and the opposition. It is a choice about you, it is a choice between going back or keeping the momentum of CHANGE. The road to greater prosperity for Nigeria may be long, but what you can be assured of is a Leadership that is not prepared to sacrifice the future well-being of Nigerians for our own personal or material needs. You can be assured of my commitment to remain focused on working to improve the lives of all Nigerians.

“Thank you very much for listening. God bless you, and may God bless the Federal Republic of Nigeria.”