London terror with rucksack full of knives suspect is charged | Report Focus News

London terror with rucksack full of knives suspect is charged

May 9, 2017
London terror suspect charged | Report Focus News
The suspected jihadist arrested close to Downing Street has been charged with intention of committing acts of terrorism, as well as two alleged offences in Afghanistan in 2012.

Khalid Mohammed Omar Ali, 27, was arrested just yards from Parliament on Thursday, April 27 after being stopped by officers outside Whitehall.

His arrest came just five weeks – and a 100 yards away – from the spot where Khalid Masood was shot and killed within the grounds of the Palace of Westminster, having mowed down bystanders in a hired car driven over Westminster Bridge.

The 27-year-old suspect was arrested in an intelligence-led operation after the security services were tipped off by a family member who reported noticing odd behaviour.

 | Report Focus News

As well as being in possession of a rucksack full of knives on UK soil, he is also accused of having produced and possessed a quantity of explosive substances in Afghanistan on more than one occasion.

The first allegedly took place in January and the second in July.

Mr Mohammed is believed to be a British national from Tottenham, north London, who was born overseas.

Witnesses watched as police “tackled” him in broad daylight, following a stop and search carried out as part of an “ongoing operation”.

Mr Mohammed will appear on remand at Westminster Magistrates’ Court on Wednesday, 10 May.