Mugabe And Wife Kick Start 2018 Voter Registration Exercise

President Robert Mugabe, his wife, Grace, and several top state officials on Thursday kick-started Zimbabwe’s voter registration exercise using newly acquired Biometric Voter Registration kits provided by a Chinese company. Mr. Mugabe was the first one to be registered in the new
September 14, 2017

Japan gives ZEC $I million for 2018 polls

THE Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) is committed to conducting free, fair and transparent elections said Commissioner Emmanuel Magade, the commission’s deputy chairperson. Magade also said the commission’s ultimate desire is to ensure that the outcome of 2018 elections represented the will of
September 7, 2017

Tsvangirai: Kenya can also happen in Zimbwe

AFP MDC-T leader Morgan Tsvangirai hailed on Saturday the decision by Kenya’s top court to order a new presidential election as a “step towards democracy”. Tsvangirai, has made three failed attempts at the presidency, losing all of them to long-ruling leader Robert
September 4, 2017

Zimbabwe President Scoffs At Opposition Coalition

Addressing guests at a dinner hosted by Zimbabwe’s Ambassador to Iran, Nicholas Kitikiti, President Mugabe said he and his party were not troubled by the recent formation of an opposition “coalition” ahead of next year’s harmonised elections. “We may have bits and
August 9, 2017

President Mugabe’s harvest of fear

President Robert Mugabe’s Zanu PF is harvesting fear from the 2008 elections when over 200 people were killed, with many set to vote for the ruling party out of fear after being made acutely aware that active involvement in politics, particularly on
August 8, 2017

Zimbabwe Vice President Mphoko told off

WAR Veterans minister Tshinga Dube has scoffed at calls by Vice-President Phelekezela Mphoko for him to dump the Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association led by his predecessor and Zanu-PF outcast Christopher Mutsvangwa. Mphoko reportedly told a Zanu-PF inter-district meeting in Bulawayo
August 7, 2017

President Mugabe playing dangerous political game

By Gift Phiri Daily News (News Editor) Gift Phiri talks to Stephen Chan, a professor of world politics at the School of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London, about the vexing developments in Zanu PF’s convoluted line of succession. Chan
August 6, 2017

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