President Robert Mugabe - Page 13

Rebellion Drama Rocks Mugabe Party Zanu-PF

President Robert Mugabe’s decision to reverse the Zanu PF Masvingo provincial elections and relieve Jorum Gumbo of his position as acting-chairperson was yesterday openly challenged by a faction linked to Vice-President Emmerson Mnangagwa in a day of high drama. A Zanu PF
March 21, 2017
Tourism and Hospitality Minister Walter Mzembi

Zimbabweans want Robert Mugabe to ‘stay on’

Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe is 93-years-old and has been endorsed by his Zanu-PF as the presidential candidate again for elections next year. But there has been speculation about his health after he travelled to Singapore for medical checks. He has the backing
March 20, 2017
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