morgan tsvangirai

One year on after the death of Morgan Tsvangirai his legacy lives

Harare-A year after Zimbabwe’s charismatic opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai succumbed to colon cancer, his country is still struggling with legitimacy crisis. Watch Documentary on Morgan Tsvangirai Tsvangirai’s death on February 14, 2018, triggered fears that the party that he found would sink
February 15, 2019

Zimbabwe elections may be rigged warns Pastor Evan Mawarire

Geneva – A prominent Zimbabwean activist voiced doubt on Tuesday that upcoming elections – the first since Robert Mugabe‘s ouster – will be credible, as the new president’s commitment to basic rights was still unclear. Evan Mawarire, a pastor who became the face
February 20, 2018

Locadia consoles Morgan Tsvangirai’s mother

Morgan Tsvangirai’s ex-wife Locadia Karimatsenga paid her last respects to the late former prime minister and leader of the opposition Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) party on Thursday. Clad in black, Locadia — who is now an apostle at the Nation of
February 17, 2018
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