Africa News

zimbabwe worriors

New Coach for Zimbabwe’s Warriors to be Announced Soon

HARARE — The Zimbabwe Football Association (ZIFA) Normalisation Committee has announced that a new coach for the national team, the Warriors, will be appointed within the next two weeks. The newly appointed coach will have a challenging task ahead with only two
May 13, 2024

Zimbabwe edges back onto tourist map

Harare – Zimbabwe’s tourism sector is enjoying a rebound with visitors returning in hordes to see the majestic Victoria Falls following two decades of stagnation. Back in the 1990s nearly 200 000 people were checking in at ticket office to see the
July 25, 2018

Former president Robert Mugabe fires bodyguards

Former Zimbabwe president Robert Mugabe it has be reported that fired six security details provided by the state because he suspected they were spying on him on behalf of the current Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s government, it has been revealed. According to
July 8, 2018

Police in Rwanda arrests prominent church leader

Police in Rwanda have arrested six church leaders including Bishop Innocent Rugagi, one of the famous pastors in the country, for plotting to defy a government order requiring churches to comply with building regulations and noise pollution. About 700 churches have been
March 6, 2018

Israeli Prime Minister: no country for black people

Earlier this month, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced that African refugees had three months to get out of the country. Describing African refugees numbering about 40 000 as “infiltrators”, Netanyahu said they had two choices. They could either accept a once-off
January 25, 2018

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