Zimbabwe - Page 510

Stay updated with the latest developments from Zimbabwe. From breaking news and political insights to cultural highlights and sports achievements, this category covers all essential stories and updates from the heart of Southern Africa.

Villagers forced to donate towards Mugabe campaign rally

At a time when most villagers are surviving from hand to mouth, the ruling Zanu PF party is reportedly forcing villagers to contribute towards transport to President Robert Mugabe’s rally next month in Marondera. Villagers from Hwedza told the Daily News on
May 22, 2017
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Zimbabweans Trust Mugabe, 36% Mistrust Opposition Parties

Almost two-thirds of adult Zimbabweans (64%) trust President Mugabe, according to Afrobarometer, a Pan African research group. Latest findings by Afrobarometer also indicate that at least 36 percent distrust opposition parties. The organization almost registered the same results a few years ago.
May 8, 2017

‘Robert Mugabe Succession Battles Becoming Uglier’

By Violet Gonda Political Scientist and Sapes director, Ibbo Mandaza (IM) says President Robert Mugabe has thwarted an “attempted coup” within his party. Mandaza spoke to Violet Gonda (VG) on her Hot Seat programme where he spoke about attempts to oust Zanu
May 2, 2017
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