Citizens Coalition for Change Faces Dual Candidate Issue in Upcoming By-Elections

December 19, 2023
Zimbabwe Electoral Commission Report Focus News
Zimbabwe Electoral Commission

In a significant development ahead of the upcoming by-elections, Zimbabwe’s main opposition party, the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), is poised to present dual candidates in several constituencies. This unusual situation arose after the Zimbabwe Election Commission (ZEC) approved the nomination papers from both factions within the party, led respectively by Nelson Chamisa and Sengezo Tshabangu.

The Nomination Court, which convened recently, accepted candidate nominations for the constituencies of Pelandaba-Tshabalala, Mkoba North, Chegutu West, Zvimba East, Seke, and Goromonzi South. The by-elections, scheduled for February 3, 2024, were necessitated following the vacancies left by the recall of six members of the CCC party.

Gift Ostallos Siziba, Stephen Chatiza, Madzimbamuto Tapfumanei, Admore Chivero, Mutasa Oliver, and Chibaya Amos, the former incumbents, were ousted from their positions by the party’s self-proclaimed Secretary General, Sengezo Tshabangu, who claimed they were no longer party members.

ZEC’s presiding officer, Sithembiso Nkomo, announced the successful filing of nomination papers by four candidates for the Pelandaba-Tshabalala constituency. The confirmed candidates include Nkomo Abraham Yona from the Democratic Opposition Party, Siziba Gift and Tembo Moreblessing representing the CCC, and Tshuma Joseph from Zanu PF.

Concerns have been raised regarding the CCC’s decision to field candidates under its banner. This move comes in light of a recent High Court judgment that prohibited CCC MPs from contesting under the party name in the December 9 by-elections, thus casting doubt on the party’s electoral strategy and its implications for the upcoming elections.