Zimbabweans Outraged Over Al-Jazeera Documentary Series Exposing Gold Smuggling Scams

March 24, 2023
Ambassodor Angel Report Focus News
Ambassodor Angel

Zimbabweans are expressing outrage following an Al-Jazeera documentary series that exposes an alleged criminal syndicate linked to President Emmerson Mnangagwa, which is accused of laundering money and smuggling gold out of the country to Dubai. The series features Ubert Angel, Mnangagwa’s ambassador-at-large, who reportedly offered to launder millions of US dollars through a gold-smuggling scheme using his diplomatic status. Several other gold dealers also appear in the investigation.

The Financial Intelligence Unit of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe has launched an investigation into Angel and his associate, Ewan MacMillan. The Insurance and Pensions Commission has also issued a statement seeking information about the assets of both individuals to conduct a thorough investigation in line with the Money Laundering and Proceeds of Crime Act.

The scandal has ignited public anger, with Zimbabweans taking to social media to call for the government to take action against corruption. The Financial Intelligence Unit has pledged to take decisive action against those involved in the gold smuggling scheme, stating that such activities threaten the country’s economic stability. The investigation is ongoing, and more details are expected to emerge soon.

The scandal is a significant setback for Mnangagwa’s government, which has made efforts to tackle corruption and improve transparency. The president has yet to comment on the allegations against Angel and MacMillan or the documentary series.

The Al-Jazeera investigation has prompted renewed calls for Zimbabwe to intensify its anti-corruption efforts and for international sanctions against the country to be strengthened. The scandal is likely to have far-reaching implications for the country’s economy and political landscape.