Is Passion Java helping Roki or Using Him?

December 20, 2021
Report Focus News

There is no doubt that Zimbabwean contemporary musician Rockford Josphat, better known by his stage names Roki, is a super talented singer.

Controversial is what some may chose to say about him. But there is no denying his God given vocal talent.

Just as some music commentators were writing him off as-a-yesteryear-music sensation, Roki bounced back.

The talented Roki bounced back into the music charts with a smash love tune Uchandifunga which was part of a duology with Zviriko, both tracks were released under Passion Java Records.

It is that association which Roki has with Self-Proclaimed Prophet Passion Java that has got some Zimbabweans concerned.
The million dollar question being who is benefiting here?, ‘Is Passion Java helping Roki or Using Him?’

Some have suggested that Passion Java is using Roki, for some political agenda, this thought process perhaps fuelled by the song (Patati Patata) a collaboration with legendary Congolese soukos singer and dancer, Koffi Olomide.

The collaboration irked some quarters in Zimbabwe who found Koffi’s praise and mentioning of President Emerson Mnangagwa objectionable.
There are some who question why Passion Java records has now got Roki doing some Rumba Gospel ( the latest offering Mafuta which was coincidentally dropped on the same day as the song of the moment ‘Happy Again’ by Winky D)

While, on the other hand there are those who look at Passion Java as a saviour and a reviver of Roki’s talent which was on the back foot and had pretty much collapsed.

Some may argue that Passion Java is the epitome of controversy, nonetheless his contribution to Zimbabwean music is equally supported as it is opposed. His investment into the music industry is no small thing, love him or loathe him he has made a significant contribution.

It is a fact that Record companies are out to make money, and at the end of the day, there’s a lot of shadiness going on that proves they don’t care how they do it, they’re perfectly happy to get rich off the backs of the people with the real talent. Creating art is hard, and some of these young and old musicians have paid dearly for their art.

The jury is still out. The question remains is Passion Java helping Roki or Using Him?