Fareed : Donald Trump got to the US Presidency by ‘bulls–tting’ | Report Focus News

Fareed : Donald Trump got to the US Presidency by ‘bulls–tting’

March 19, 2017
2017 03 01T022958Z 1 LYNXMPED201H2 RTROPTP 4 USA TRUMP
2017 03 01T022958Z 1 LYNXMPED201H2 RTROPTP 4 USA TRUMP

CNN host and Washington Post columnist Fareed Zakaria said late Friday he believes President Trump has “succeeded by bulls–tting” and that strategy has followed him into the White House.

“The president is somewhat indifferent to things that are true or false,” Zakaria told Don Lemon on CNN. “He’s spent his whole life bulls–tting. He’s succeeded by bulls–tting. He has gotten the presidency by bulls–tting.”

“It’s very hard to tell somebody at that point that bulls–t doesn’t work, because look at the results right? But that’s what he does. He sees something, he doesn’t particularly care if it’s true or not, he just puts it out there. And then he puts something else out,” Zakaria continued.

He then went on to say’ Trump’s press conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Friday was a perfect example of this, pointing to the President’s answer to a question on the White House accusing British intelligence of spying on him at former President Obama’s direction.Trump responded to the question saying, “All we did was quote a certain very talented legal mind, who was the one responsible for saying that on television. I didn’t make an opinion on it. That was a statement made by a very talented lawyer on Fox.”

Zakaria said it was an example of him saying something that is “bulls–t” and not taking the “responsibility.”

He also said Trump is not only “degrading the office of the presidency, he is degrading all these people around him. Sean Spicer is having to humiliate himself every day … because the president doesn’t relent.”