Top United States official meets ED in Davos

January 25, 2018
Report Focus News

Former United States Assistant State Secretary Ambassador John Negroponte say after Davos he is going back to Washington and will tell the US administration to be serious about exploring opportunities for improved cooperation with Harare now that there is a new situation in Zimbabwe.

Day Two for President Emmerson Mnangagwa in Davos was equally a busy one with his diary full.

Besides attending a discussion with EVN Station titled: ‘An Insight, and a 30-minute documentary interview with CNN business reporter Richard Quest, the President also gave television and radio interviews to various media houses from different countries.

One of his appointments included a courtesy call by former US Assistant State Secretary AmbassadorJohn Dimitri Negroponte who served in the US Foreign Service from 1960 to 1997.

A seasoned politician Ambassador Negroponte served in the Bush administration as US ambassador to the United Nations from 2000 to 2004, was also ambassador to Iraq at the time of the 2004 handover of sovereignty and was named first ever US Director of the National Intelligence in 2005, before being appointed US Deputy Secretary of State.

Speaking to journalists after his meeting with President Mnangagwa, Ambassador Negroponte said the US must engage with Zimbabwe for improved cooperation.

President Mnangagwa also held several other bilateral engagements including a meeting with a representative from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) which was attended by cabinet ministers who are part of his delegation to the World Economic Forum. – state media