Does Zimbabwe Really Own Any of its Platinum?

March 29, 2023
Does Zimbabwe Really Own Any of its Platinum Report Focus News
Does Zimbabwe Really Own Any of its Platinum?

The platinum mining industry in Zimbabwe is riddled with corruption, leaving many wondering if the country even owns any of its platinum. Two South African mining companies, Impala Platinum and Anglo American Platinum, control the majority of the platinum mines in Zimbabwe. But allegations of illegal mining, mineral smuggling, and political interference in mining licenses have plagued the sector for years, creating a sense of uncertainty over who really owns Zimbabwe’s platinum.

Despite the government’s efforts to address corruption in the mining industry, reports of bribery and nepotism persist in the allocation of mining licenses and concessions. The extent of corruption in the sector remains unknown, but it is clear that it poses a significant challenge to Zimbabwe’s efforts to promote responsible and sustainable mining practices.

With the future of Zimbabwe’s platinum industry hanging in the balance, it is crucial that the government takes strong action to combat corruption and ensure that the country’s resources are being used for the benefit of its people. The question of whether Zimbabwe truly owns its platinum is one that deserves urgent attention and a definitive answer.