Exploring the Reasons for the Lack of Recognition and Respect for King Lobengula, the Last Ndebele King

January 24, 2023
pongo | Report Focus News

The subjugation and forced assimilation of the Ndebele people and the destruction of their kingdom under European colonization was a tragic and devastating process. The colonizers used military force and economic exploitation to gain control over the resources of the Ndebele kingdom and to subjugate the Ndebele people. This included the displacement of Ndebele people from their land and the destruction of their homes and cultural artifacts. Additionally, the colonizers implemented policies of forced education and religious conversion, aimed at erasing Ndebele culture and identity.
As a result of this process, many Ndebele people have struggled with issues of identity and cultural preservation. They have had to adapt to a new system and culture imposed by the colonizers, which has often meant abandoning or suppressing their traditional ways of life.
Despite this, many Ndebele people have managed to keep some aspects of their culture alive. The Ndebele people still have traditional dress and jewelry, and also have cultural dances and ceremonies that are still practiced today. They also maintain traditional customs and beliefs, such as ancestor veneration and the use of traditional medicine. Additionally, some Ndebele people are actively working to preserve and promote their culture through cultural organizations and initiatives.
It is also worth noting that the Ndebele people are not alone in this struggle, the subjugation of the indigenous people and forced assimilation is a common story of colonialism, it has caused identity crisis and suppression of cultural heritage, not just in Zimbabwe, but in many other countries as well.
It is possible that there are classified documents or information related to Lobengula, particularly those related to the actions of European colonizers and the British South Africa Company during his reign. However, I don’t have access to any classified documents or information, and it would be difficult to verify their authenticity or credibility.
In general, historical research on Lobengula and the Ndebele kingdom is limited by the fact that many primary sources were destroyed or lost during the colonization process. This makes it difficult to gain a complete and accurate understanding of his life and the events of his reign. However, there are a number of secondary sources, such as historical documents, journals, and oral histories, that provide insight into the period.
It is also worth noting that, due to the lack of written records from the time, a lot of the information about Lobengula is passed down through oral tradition and thus may not be completely accurate. Additionally, as with any historical figure, different perspectives and interpretations of events may exist, leading to a diverse range of information and opinions about him.
It is believed that the European colonizers, particularly the British South Africa Company, wanted to establish control over the resources of the Ndebele kingdom and saw the elimination of Lobengula and his descendants as a means to achieve this goal. This included the use of military force to defeat the Ndebele and the subsequent displacement of the Ndebele people from their land.
Lobengula did not have a clear successor at the time of his death, which contributed to the collapse of the Ndebele kingdom. This may have been due to internal conflicts within the royal family, or the fact that Lobengula did not have any sons to take over the throne. This lack of a clear succession plan made it easier for the colonizers to take control of the kingdom.
The Ndebele people did not have a written constitution or a formal system of succession for their royal dynasty, which made it difficult to maintain continuity and stability after Lobengula’s death. This has had a lasting impact on the Ndebele people and their identity, as they have had to struggle to preserve their culture and traditions under colonial rule and the subsequent government of independent Zimbabwe.
Today, issues of identity and cultural preservation are still important for the Ndebele people and other ethnic groups in Zimbabwe. The legacy of colonization and the loss of their kingdom continue to shape the experiences of these groups, and many continue to struggle to assert their rights and maintain their cultural heritage. This has also affected the country’s history, as many aspects of pre-colonial culture and heritage were destroyed or lost during the colonisation process.

It is important to keep in mind that the historical record on Lobengula and the Ndebele kingdom may be incomplete and biased due to the actions of European colonizers who sought to control the resources of the kingdom and subjugate the Ndebele people. The colonizers may have destroyed or suppressed information that was not in line with their interests and goals.
Additionally, there is also the possibility that classified information exists that is yet to be released to the public, or that has been lost over time.
It is also worth noting that there are efforts underway to preserve and promote the history and culture of the Ndebele people, including research and educational initiatives. These efforts aim to fill in the gaps in the historical record and provide a more complete and accurate understanding of the Ndebele kingdom and its leaders like Lobengula.
Furthermore, while much is not known about Lobengula and his reign, it is important to be aware of the limitations and biases in the historical record and to approach the information that is available with a critical eye. Efforts to preserve and promote the history and culture of the Ndebele people may help to provide a more complete understanding of Lobengula and his legacy.

Why is the current shona dominated government not according Lobengula the respect and recognition he deserves?

While recognizing and honoring Lobengula as a major historical figure in Zimbabwe’s history is an important step towards acknowledging and understanding the country’s past, the Shona-dominant government may have concerns about how such recognition would be perceived by other ethnic groups, its impact on the current political and economic situation, and its effect on current social and political relations.

King Lobengula of the Ndebele people, who ruled the Kingdom of Matabeleland in present-day Zimbabwe during the late 19th century, is not given the respect and recognition that he deserves by the Zimbabwean authorities. This is due to a number of factors, including the legacy of colonialism and the ongoing political struggles in the country.
One reason for the lack of recognition of King Lobengula is the impact of colonialism on Zimbabwe. The Ndebele kingdom was conquered by the British South Africa Company in the late 19th century, and the kingdom was subsequently dissolved. King Lobengula and his people were subjected to brutal treatment by the colonizers, and their culture and history were suppressed. As a result, the legacy of King Lobengula and the Ndebele people has been largely erased from official history and from the national consciousness.
Another reason for the lack of recognition of King Lobengula is the ongoing political struggles in Zimbabwe. The country has a long history of political violence and repression, and the government has been accused of human rights abuses and of suppressing dissent. In this context, it is not surprising that the authorities are not eager to celebrate the legacy of a leader who the present government may see as anti government (ruling party)

The Shona-dominant government of Zimbabwe may have several fears in recognizing and honoring the last Ndebele king, Lobengula, as a major historical figure in the country’s history.
Firstly, there may be concerns about how such recognition would be perceived by other ethnic groups in the country. The Ndebele people have a long history of being marginalized and oppressed by the Shona-dominated government, and recognizing Lobengula may be viewed as a way of legitimizing this marginalization. This could lead to increased tension and conflict between ethnic groups, which the government would likely want to avoid.
Secondly, the government may be concerned about how recognizing Lobengula would be viewed in relation to the country’s current political and economic situation. Zimbabwe has been plagued by economic and political turmoil for many years, and the government may be hesitant to do anything that could be perceived as divisive or controversial. Recognizing Lobengula as a historical figure could be seen as a politically risky move, and the government may be reluctant to take this risk.
Thirdly, there may be concerns about how honoring Lobengula would impact current political and social relations. Recognizing a leader of a defeated group may be viewed as a sign of weakness and could lead to resentment among some groups. It may also be viewed as a betrayal of the current leadership and political power dynamics.

Despite these obstacles, there are efforts to recognize and honor the legacy of King Lobengula. In recent years, there have been calls for the government to acknowledge the injustices of the past and to celebrate the contributions of the Ndebele people to Zimbabwe’s history and culture. Additionally, there have been efforts to preserve and promote the Ndebele language, customs and traditions, and to educate the public about the history of the Ndebele kingdom and its leaders.
I put it to you that King Lobengula, the leader of the Ndebele people during the late 19th century, is not given the respect and recognition that he deserves by the Zimbabwean authorities. This is due to a number of factors, including the legacy of colonialism and the ongoing political struggles in the country. However, there are efforts to recognize and honor the legacy of King Lobengula and the Ndebele people, and it is important that these efforts continue in order to preserve and promote their culture and history.

What can the Zimbabwean authorities do?

There are several steps that the Zimbabwean authorities can take to preserve the integrity, dignity, and legacy of the last known Ndebele king, Lobengula. Some of these steps include:
1. Establishing historical sites and monuments: The authorities can establish historical sites and monuments dedicated to Lobengula and the Ndebele kingdom, such as a museum or a statue, to commemorate their legacy and to educate the public about their history.
2. Promoting Ndebele culture: The authorities can support initiatives to promote and preserve Ndebele culture and heritage, such as traditional music and dance, art, and storytelling. This can be done through funding cultural organizations and events, as well as incorporating Ndebele culture into the education system.
3. Encouraging research and scholarship: The authorities can encourage and support research and scholarship on Lobengula, the Ndebele kingdom, and the history of the Ndebele people. This can include funding academic studies, encouraging oral history projects, and facilitating access to historical documents and artifacts.
4. Recognizing the role of Lobengula in the history of Zimbabwe: The authorities can acknowledge and recognize the role of Lobengula and the Ndebele people in the history of Zimbabwe, which can include celebrating national holidays and dedicating important historical events to their memory.
5. Addressing the issues of land and identity: One of the most significant legacies of colonization and the subjugation of the Ndebele people is the displacement of the Ndebele people from their land, this can affect their identity and cultural preservation. The authorities can work to address the issues of land and identity by supporting land restitution and restoration programs and ensuring that the rights and heritage of the Ndebele people are protected.
It is worth noting that, while these steps can be taken to preserve the legacy of Lobengula, it is also important to consider the perspectives and needs of the Ndebele people themselves in any efforts to commemorate and celebrate their culture and heritage.

In conclusion, the forced assimilation of the Ndebele people under European colonization had a devastating impact on their culture and identity. Many Ndebele people have struggled with issues of identity and cultural preservation as a result, but despite this, many elements of Ndebele culture have managed to survive and are still practiced today.Exploring the Reasons for the Lack of Recognition and Respect for King Lobengula, the Last Ndebele King