ZANU PF Youth Leader Seriously Injured in Christmas Day Vehicle Accident

December 30, 2022
Zanu PF car | Report Focus News
Zanu PF car

On Christmas Day, a vehicle belonging to the ZANU PF party in Matebeleland North was involved in a serious accident on the Binga-Cross Dete road. Lundy Sinzeka, the party’s youth provincial chairperson, was seriously injured in the crash, along with four other passengers.
According to police reports, Sinzeka lost control of the vehicle after failing to properly navigate a curve near Manjolo business center. Tragically, one passenger died at the scene, and Sinzeka and three other relatives were hospitalized in Binga district. Two other passengers were transferred to Mpilo Hospital in Bulawayo due to the severity of their injuries.

It is believed that Sinzeka may have been speeding at the time of the accident, and investigations are currently underway. Our thoughts and condolences go out to the families and loved ones of those affected by this tragedy. We urge all drivers to prioritize safety and to follow the rules of the road at all times.