Zimbabwe’s Ban on Raw Lithium Exports a Step Towards Value Addition and Job Creation

December 28, 2022
litheum | Report Focus News

Zimbabwe’s recent decision to prohibit the export of raw lithium has been met with widespread support, as it is seen as a crucial step in promoting value addition and employment opportunities.

Lithium, a vital resource commodity that is becoming increasingly important as the world shifts towards clean energy systems, has attracted significant attention from Zimbabwe as it seeks to maximize the value of this mineral.

The country has abundant deposits of lithium and, with rising global demand and firmer prices, it has become an attractive destination for investment in this commodity.

Bradley Rohrs, an international investment expert based in Washington D.C., believes that the Zimbabwean government’s decision to ban raw lithium exports is a positive move.

He explains that many African leaders, including President Mnangagwa, are committed to adding value to their economies rather than simply extracting raw resources. Lithium is also a key factor in overall economic development, and Zimbabwe is expected to benefit further from this mineral resource.

Rohrs adds that Africa wants to have as much value added domestically as possible, since each stage of the process creates support industries and employment opportunities, contributing to wealth creation and the circulation of money.

In an effort to establish a vibrant lithium value chain in the country, the government of Zimbabwe recently announced a ban on raw lithium exports through Statutory Instrument 213 of 2022.