Mliswa criticizes Mbalula’s stance on Zimbabwe regime change and sanctions

December 21, 2022
| Report Focus News

Independent Norton legislator Temba Mliswa has criticized the recently elected ANC Secretary General, Fikile Mbalula, after Mbalula stated that the South African ruling party would not support regime change in Zimbabwe.

Mbalula had said that the ANC would rather assist Zimbabwe’s ruling party, Zanu PF, in improving the country’s fortunes, rather than advocating for regime change.

Mliswa argued that South Africa should not dictate choices for Zimbabweans and that regime change should be a decision for Zimbabweans to make.

Mbalula also pledged that the ANC would support Zimbabwe in its efforts to have sanctions imposed by the West lifted.

Mliswa questioned the focus on sanctions, arguing that there are other, more pressing issues facing Zimbabwe that should be addressed. He also criticized the recent ANC NEC results, which returned Mbalula and Ramaphosa, calling it a scandal.