United States imposes more sanctions on Russian ‘military complex’

September 30, 2022
The US President Joe Biden | Report Focus News
The US President Joe Biden

The United States has imposed new sanctions on Russia as a result of its illegal annexation of four regions of Ukraine.

The US Treasury Department says it is targeting the “military-industrial complex” behind the war in Ukraine including two international suppliers, three leaders of Russia’s financial infrastructure, immediate family members of some senior Russian officials, and 278 members of Russia’s legislature for enabling the move.

“We will not stand by as Putin fraudulently attempts to annex parts of Ukraine,” said Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen.

“The Treasury Department and US government are taking sweeping action today to further weaken Russia’s already degraded military industrial complex and undermine its ability to wage its illegal war.”

Yellen adds the US and its allies will not hesitate to take “severe actions” against people and companies inside and outside of Russia “who are complicit in this war and these sham referendums”.