Exposed, forced to confess or sincerely sorry; What’s the deal Shingi Munyeza?

January 20, 2021

Yesterday Shingi Munyeza shared a statement that many have taken as an apology or confession about falling into immorality. The post or statement was to others vague and ambiguous.

This is a story of yet another minister caught in the act of sexual sin. Every time I hear these reports, a mixture of emotion wells up within me. I feel the heartbreak of the spouse and children involved.

There is no doubt about the pain that sexual sin inflicts on innocent members of the family. I feel the discouragement of the congregation as they are left reeling from the aftereffects of their pastor’s sin. I feel angry at the enemy, who has successfully deceived another victim, and brought shame and ridicule on the church. And I feel a great burden for the one whose secret life was uncovered in such a damaging way. Nobody wins in situations like these.

What’s worse in this case is that Shingi’s daughter seems to be the one airing not only her father’s dirty laundry in public, indeed she is exposing her family to much ridicule by her unabashed anger.

Shingi wrote “Recently I allowed myself into a situation where I fell morally…”

I failed my wife and family. I failed the church that I am a part of. I therefore seek your forgiveness.
I therefore seek your forgiveness. I am stepping down to introspect and be restored. I covet your prayers and support. God bless you all.”
As statements go this was as short as it gets, but like I have already said to some it was vague nonetheless to others it was as sufficient a statement and confession can get.

The question then arises was this a genuine confession or something forced because he was exposed?

When I hear the reports of ministers such as Shingi being exposed for sexual sin, it makes me wonder. How many times had the Lord prompted them to come into the light, but they refused? How many opportunities did they have to tell their spouse, but, instead, they justified keeping their sin in the dark? How much pain could they have avoided had they come clean in the beginning of their compromise?

To all those pastors or prophets lifted and placed on a higher moral platform. If you are reading these words right now, and you find yourself secretly bound in sin, let me ask you a question. How many years will you waste away in your sin? How much more pain will you cause your loved ones by refusing to really allow the Lord to deal with your heart? Is it worth the gamble that you will find freedom down the road when the Holy Spirit is tugging on your heart today to bring your sin into the light?

John 3:19-21 says, “This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.”

There are two types of people in this passage: those who refuse to come into the light for fear of exposure, and those who willingly come into the light for the sake of living in truth. Which one will you be? The choice is yours.
May the introspection that Shingi Munyeza has requested bring him the restoration that he desires.
We are after all fallible. We thank God for the gift of repentance.
Forced or otherwise we must turn from sin.
