Zimbabwean journalist Hopewell Chin’ono arrested again

January 8, 2021
| Report Focus News

Harare: The Zimbabwe Republic Police has arrested popular Journalist Hopewell Chin’ono in what he said was related to an alleged death of an infant at the hands of police.

Posting on twitter Chin’ono said “The police have come to arrest me! Let everyone know!”

Chin’ono said ZRP told him they were charging him with tweeted falsehoods that he reportedly tweeted alleging that a child had been beaten to death by police officers.

“They say they are charging me with communicating falsehoods for tweeting that a child had been beaten up and died by a police officer! They are taking me to the Law and order section at Harare Central Police Station” posted Chin’ono.

Earlier today Job Sikhala also said he heard he was going to be arrested on the same charges.

Chin’ono is on remand after he was arrested on 20 July on charges of inciting public violence after he tweeted about a protest that was being planned by Jacob Ngarivhume.

Recently, a video went viral on social media insinuating that a child was beaten to death after smashing a windscreen using a truncheon. The police later issued a statement refuting the death allegations.