I Discovered my Gospel Singing Talent During my Fight with Depression

December 20, 2020
| Report Focus News

Birmingham— 3 years ago , Nic Thindwa hit a rough patch in life. Stuck in a foreign country far from his native home Malawi. He received news of the death of his father and this span him into depression.

Unable to travel back to his home country to pay his final respects to his father Nic was left in all sorts of emotional and psychological challenges.
He found himself sinking deeper and deeper into depression.

Nic had to dig deep to find himself and pull himself out of depression and he says he found Jesus Christ. “I had to anchor my faith in Christ and it was through Jesus that I found hope. I then discovered my love and talent for gospel music”Now, Nic sings gospel music he wrote himself and does other jobs that come his way. He has been free of depression and living a happy life since turning to gospel music. To his friends and the community, it came as a shock that Nic is such an amazing gospel singer.
He credits his salvation to Jesus.

“I heard Him calling me, and so I just answered him,” Nic said. Nic contacted his friend Davie Sazuze to help him make a video for his new song Mkango wa Yuda which is now available on YouTube.

The song testifies about Jesus Christ being the king of Kings and in it Nic acknowledges that it was Jesus Christ that changed him from a depressed man to a man full of hope and faith.

Nic sings ‘since I made a decision to follow Christ his life has changed. He makes the pledge to always praise Jesus who is his king and Lord of Lords.