A fool proof guide to the 2020 US Presidential election

September 10, 2020
A fool proof guide to the 2020 US Presidential election | Report Focus News
A fool proof guide to the 2020 US Presidential election

The US Presidential election is just under two months away, and already the question on everybody’s lips is; ‘who’s going to win?’ As the media coverage begins to take over the world’s news, for people outside of North America, the US election process can seem rather daunting. Well, not to worry, as we have put together this fool proof guide. Read on to find out more!

Who’s in the running? 

Democratic nominee – Joe Biden

Joe Biden was confirmed as the Democratic nominee at the party’s virtual conventions last month. The 78-year-old, who is the odds-on favourite to win the ballot, according to US presidential election odds, served as Barrack Obama’s Vice-President between 2009 and 2017, whilst he has also ran for Head of State on two separate occasions, in 1988 and 2008. Biden, who, if elected would become the oldest president, has chosen California senator Kamala Harris to run as his VP.

Republican nominee – Donald Trump

Current president Donald Trump is the Republican nominee for the upcoming election. The billionaire business mogul shocked the world in 2016, when he announced that he would be running for presidency, let alone when he ended up beating Hilary Clinton in the ballot. Trump’s views have divided the nation, more recently than ever, with his opinions on the coronavirus pandemic and Black Lives Matter movement landing him in hot water as the race for a place in office heats up. Trump’s current VP will continue to be his running mate for the November vote.

What are the key dates? 

Well, with the national conventions taking place last month, the remaining key dates for your calendar are; September 29th, October 15th, October 22nd, and November 3rd. Across the dates in September and October, Trump and Biden will be going head-to-head in crucial televised debates in Cleveland, Ohio, Miami, Florida, and Nashville, Tennessee. These debates are the last chance for the nominees to try and win over voters, and there’s plenty of evidence to suggest that how they pan out can affect the outcome of the vote. Following the debates, the US election will take place November 3rd.

How the voting system work? 

People in all 50 states across the US vote for one president and one Vice-President. However, when they cast their vote they don’t actually vote for a particular nominee, they chose a group of people called electors. In the electoral college system, each state is given a certain number of electors, which depends on its representation in congress. Each elector casts one vote following the general election, which is usually in the favour of the party with the most votes in their state, and the candidate with more than half (270) of the electoral vote wins – meaning that the winner of the election might not actually have the most votes from the public, much like Trump in 2016. The elected president and VP will be inaugurated in January.

Who’s ahead in the polls? 

In the latest election polls, which were carried out by American news outlet CNN, Bidden and Harris boasted a rather healthy 8% lead on Trump and Pence. Whilst these polls don’t always show a true reflection on the eventual outcome of the election, they are a good way to show who the voters are swaying towards.