Was the Anchor the Christian symbol before the cross?

May 24, 2020
| Report Focus News

In his book, I am Anchored in Christ; Bring On Euroclydon the author Brill Pongo writes “the anchor, because of it’s great importance in navigation, was regarded in ancient times as a symbol of safety. The Christians, therefore, in adopting the anchor as a symbol hope in future existence, merely gave a new and higher signification to a familiar emblem.”

Are you trying hard to be a good Christian but feeling discouraged by all the challenges confronting you daily in an increasingly panic stricken world? Then this book is for you.

Undoubtedly, it is a challenge to hold on to your faith as a Christian in the world we live in today. Brill Pongo speaks of Euroclydon and being anchored in Christ but what is Euroclydon?
Christian author Brill Pongo defines it thusly, “It is a storm that blows from every direction at the same time. It is a typhoon. If it doesn’t blow you over, it will try to pull you under. The storm leaves you feeling like life is spinning out of control.”

How then do you deal with the Euroclydon’s that life throws at you?

In ‘I am Anchored in Christ; Bring on Euroclydon’, Brill Pongo helps Christian readers to focus on the importance of processing various aspects of how one can anchor their faith in Jesus Christ through the lens of the gospel. And why? Because it is vitally important to understand why the anchor is metaphorically used as the Christian symbol to steady one’s faith in the gospel of Christ.

Christians in today’s world need to constantly remind themselves of gospel truth, the hope it gives, and the need to apply it in all circumstances.

Brill Pongo deftly applies solid biblical teaching to the real-life circumstances of Christians today with an ease and gentleness not often found with many Christian writers. There is a beautiful chapter in which Brill Pongo elucidates the connection between hope and faith to help Christians in their understanding of the intricacies of anchoring their faith in Jesus Christ amidst all the doom and gloom that persists in today’s world.

If you’re experiencing “challenges and beginning to doubt your faith,” weariness, anxiety, or a general sense of feeling overwhelmed as you seek to be a godly Christian, ‘I am Anchored in Christ; Bring On Euroclydon’ is a wonderful book for you during this lockdown period and beyond. It is a great read for Christians of all ages to have on hand to read and reread.
Follow the link below to purchase a copy for yourself and a friend who needs their faith in Christ strengthened.
