Boris Johnson will be back at work in Downing Street on Monday

April 25, 2020
| Report Focus News
Britain's Foreign Minister Boris Johnson looks on following a joint press conference with the French Foreign Minister at the ministry in Paris, on July 28, 2016. / AFP / BERTRAND GUAY (Photo credit should read BERTRAND GUAY/AFP/Getty Images)

United Kingdom Prime Minister Boris Johnson is to return to work at Downing Street on Monday after recuperating from coronavirus, sources have said.

The Prime Minister has been recovering at his official country residence in Chequers after being released from St Thomas’ Hospital in London.

He is understood to have held a three-hour summit meeting with Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab – who has been deputising for him – and Chancellor Rishi Sunak on Friday ahead of his return.

He could be back to host Monday’s daily Downing Street coronavirus press conference and possibly take on new Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer at prime minister’s questions on Wednesday.

There have been claims that in his absence there has been no clear strategy on when and how to ease the lockdown restrictions and suggestions that cabinet ministers are deeply split on what to do next.