Vincent Tsvangirai in Dramatic U-turn

March 19, 2020

In a dramatic turn of events opposition MDC legislator Vincent Tsvangirai has sensationally retracted utterances he made during a Parliamentary Portfolio Committee meeting in which he said sanctions were hurting ordinary Zimbabweans.

In a video Tsvangirai says he was misconstrued and misquoted as the suffering of Zimbabweans was caused by the legitimacy crisis from the rigged 2018 elections.

“I just want to make the record straight. Take into consideration that I have been misconstrued and misquoted. As a country we have no monopoly on sovereignty, we have no right to interfere with the sovereign rights that other countries have to take stern measures against murderous regimes that violates the rights of their citizens such as the regime in Harare has done” said Tsvangirai

“I believe that the suffering of the people of Zimbabwe has nothing to do with foreign countries. The Zanu PF regime is the song author of the plight of the people of Zimbabwe. The suffering of the people has everything to do with the crisis of legitimacy arising out of the sole July 2018 election.

“Once we deal with legitimacy by putting in place a truly people’s government that the people voted for everything will fall into place. Zanu PF is solely responsible for the despondent lives of the people. Zanu Pf is the biggest sanction against the people of Zimbabwe. The key fight that will restore the dignity of the people of Zimbabwe is the fight that restore a true people’s government that Zimbabwe voted for in 2018, it’s non but ourselves.”

His comments contradicted the MDC’s stance which claims sanctions are targeted at individuals and therefore should not be attributed to the country’s economic meltdown.

Vincent is son to the late MDC founding president Morgan Tsvangirai and is legislator for Glen View constituency.