Trump on Impeachment: “This Is A Happy Period” insists he isn’t worried

January 31, 2020
| Report Focus News
United States President Trump used a campaign rally in Iowa Thursday night to air grievances against House Democrats over his impeachment while describing a “happy period” for the Republican Party despite what he lambasted as a partisan “hoax.” in a 90 minute speech.

“We’re having probably the best years that we’ve ever had in our country, and I just got impeached! Can you believe these people? I got impeached. They impeached Trump,” the president said to audience reaction.

“They want to nullify your ballots, poison our democracy and overthrow the entire system of government,” Trump said. “That’s not happening, I can tell you that. Washington Democrats have spent the last three years trying to overturn the last election.”

“We will make sure they face another crushing defeat in 2020,” he said. “November 3rd, mark it off.”

“Why am I not worried? I should be worried,” Trump said.

Trump insisted he wasn’t worried about his impeachment – perhaps a reflection of his expected acquittal by the Republican-controlled Senate. The president told the crowd that the Republicans would “treat us very fairly,” in what seemed to be a passing reference to the upper chamber’s handling of his impeachment trial over the last several days.

“Why am I not worried? I should be worried,” Trump said, before talking about the impeachments of former Presidents Bill Clinton, Richard Nixon and Andrew Johnson as “dark periods.”

“This is a happy period for us,” Trump said. “It’s a happy period because we call it ‘impeachment light.’”