France pledges military support to DRC

November 13, 2019
| Report Focus News

French President Emmanuel Macron has pledged military support to Democratic Republic of Congo to fight armed groups in the country’s eastern region.

“France is fully engaged at the side of DRC to fight armed groups which are destabilising the country”, some of which are linked to the Islamic State group, Mr Macron is quoted telling DR Congo President FĂ©lix Tshisekedi during a meeting in Paris.

The French president said the support would take on a “military dimension” and involve “intelligence” but did not give details.

Mr Tshisekedi is among 30 heads of state and government attending the second annual Paris Peace Forum.

He is quoted as saying he wants to see “France being much more present in Africa”.

“When a friend is in difficulty, one helps,” he added.

DR Congo recently launched an offensive in the eastern region of the country against militant groups operating there.

The fighters include Islamist group, Allied Democratic Forces (ADF).

The ADF was formed in 1996 by a puritanical Muslim sect in the Ruwenzori mountains of western Uganda.

It has formed alliances with some of the many armed groups based in the country’s eastern region.