Mozambique president and main opposition leader sign peace accord, ending years of hostilities

August 1, 2019
| Report Focus News

Mozambique’s president and the main opposition leader, have signed a peace accord to end armed hostilities.

Thousands of the former rebel group’s remaining fighters are disarming just weeks before a visit by Pope Francis and a national election that will test the now-political rivals’ new resolve.

President Filipe Nyusi and Renamo leader Ossufo Momade shook hands and embraced after Thursday’s signing.

Fighting had flared several times in the nearly 25 years since the end of the conflict in which some on`e million people died.

Renamo later became an opposition party but had never fully disarmed until now.

Reports say that Renamo officers will be integrated into the police force.

More than 5,200 Renamo fighters are expected to surrender their weapons to the government.

Mozambique’s presidential election follows in October.