War Hero Dumiso Dabengwa’s body left at OR Tambo International Airport

May 26, 2019
| Report Focus News

There was a very disappointing scenario at the Joshua Mqabuko Nkomo airport in Bulawayo where cadres and well-wishers who had gathered to receive the body of War Hero Dumiso Dabengwa, waited in vain.

The casket in which carried the body of the former minister and ZAPU intelligence supremo was left behind because it could not fit in the small cargo unit of the SA Airlink plane.

People had gathered at the airport in the early hours of Sunday morning awaiting the flight which landed at 7am.

Our source also disclosed that Mrs Zodwa Dabengwa the wife of the late hero did not find out that her husband’s body was left at OR Tambo International Airport until she got off the plane in Bulawayo.

It is still not yet clear if the Zanu-PF government will accord national heroes status to Dumiso Dabengwa?

Some analysts are already speculating on whether his family will agree to burying him at the national heroes acre in Harare.