Fingers point at Cyril Ramaphosa for sparking a new wave of Xenophobic attacks

March 28, 2019
| Report Focus News

A speech recently made by South African President Cyril Ramaphosa is alleged to have sparked a new wave of xenophobic attacks in South Africa, which have left 3 dead in Durban.

Political commentators and observers have roundly condemned Ramaphosa’s tone and speech and accused him of stocking xenophobic flames in South Africa.

As the election season heats up in South Africa tensions are rising and caution needs to be excised and careful consideration must be taken with regards words uttered by politicians.

Watch Ramaphosa’s speech below

A myriad other reasons have been highlighted as reasons contributing to continued xenophobic attacks in South Africa poor service delivery and competition for resources ranks as top on the list.

However reckless comments and ill advised speeches by political leaders have also been blamed for inciting flaring up and stocking up tensions.
Meanwhile, Zimbabwe’s main opposition party the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) has issued a statement through its national spokesperson

Jacob Mafume condemning the recent xenophobic attacks in South Africa. The MDC expressed concern with xenophobic attacks on Zimbabweans in South Africa.
The statement read:

“The MDC is concerned with the upsurge of xenophobic attacks on foreign nationals in South Africa particularly Zimbabweans. We note immigration issues have become an electoral issue both on the domestic and foreign policy.

The MDC however appeals to the conscience of South Africans particularly those in positions of authority considering our country is still mourning deaths of citizens who perished in the recent cyclone.

Our nation cannot bear the pain of losing more lives in xenophobic attacks. We specifically urge those on the campaign trail to be careful when dealing with the issues that can raise emotions and tension.

At least three people have been killed and property destroyed.

This is why the MDC has consistently encouraged the South African government to take ownership of the Zimbabwean crisis particularly facilitating dialogue to end the ongoing political and socio-economic crisis.

Dialogue based on the five point plan outlined by President Chamisa will bring about sustainable reform and set Zimbabwe on a path to recovery. The status quo on the other hand will only perpetuate the plight of the masses with the spill over effect into the SADC region inevitable.

The MDC urges the Zimbabwean Embassy in South Africa to be proactive in ensuring the safety of Zimbabweans in South Africa. They must be timely warnings in respect of the election, volatile locations and travel advice.

These updates must be regular and communicated through available popular platforms.”