Renowned Author Charles Mungoshi dies

February 16, 2019

Renowned author Dr Charles Mungoshi has died, he was aged 71. Mungoshi had been ill for ten years, from a neurological condition to which he succumbed this morning, at Parirenyatwa Hospital.

The veteran author and multi-award winning novelist , poet , short story writer , actor who was internationally recognized and celebrated published 18 books , which include Waiting for the Rain ( 1975), Ndiko Kupindana Kwemazuva (1975), Makunun’unu Maodza Moyo (1970), The Milkman Doesn’t Only Deliver Milk (1981), Inongova Njake Njake(1980), Coming of the Dry Season (1972) Branching Streams Flow in the Darkness (2013).

Mungoshi’s talents meant that accolades will naturally follow him and he thusly, won the Commonwealth Writers’ Prize of Best Book in Africa, twice and was subsequently invited to meet the Queen of England , Queen Elizabeth.

One of his poems was curetted by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as a permanent display as public art at their new headquarters in Seattle, Washington, in US ,2011. In 2003 he was conferred an honorary doctorate degree by the University of Zimbabwe, after winning multiple awards which include Zimbabwe’s 75 best books where he appeared in the top five lists in both Shona and English categories.

Mungoshi, is survived by his wife Jesesi, His children Farai, Graham, Nyasha, Charles and Tsitsi and his 7 grandchildren.

Mourners are gathered at Number47 Uta St Zengeza 1