My door is open for talks says Mnangagwa

February 1, 2019
| Report Focus News
Report Focus

Harare- President Emmerson Mnangagwa has said his door is open for anyone who willing to talk on matters to do with development of the country.

The President said he has seen and heard of talks going on in the media.

“I hear there are talks going on and this only in the media. I even have had to ask our party officials whether they have been in talks with the MDC behind my back. They are also surprised,” President Mnangagwa said.

He added “I have never refused to talk and that is why after I came into office, you have seen me talking to all people from students, industry, the church, political parties and even traditional leaders. We continue to talk for the good of our country and my door is open. I, however, do not understand how he (Chamisa) would want to talk to me when he claims I am illegitimate. It implies that the talks will be illegitimate.”

The opposition MDC Alliance is on record saying they have written letters to the Zanu PF leader seeking dialogue and there has been no response.

Mnangagwa also accused the United States of meddling into the country’s affairs.

“They don’t care about human rights; that is why you find that they support some countries with clear democratic deficits. It’s about US interests and if we were pliable and accept to be used, our country would not be in these problems. The Western media also turn perpetrators of violence and destruction into victims. But they don’t show the destruction of property and direct threat to the stability of our country they caused,” he said.

Mnangagwa also scoffed at reports that there were divisions between him and Vice-President Constantino Chiwenga. 

“The people who talk about these divisions, what example do they give? I have known Chiwenga and his colleagues [in the military] since the struggle years. We are comrades and understand each other better than you all think. Somebody actually told me while I was in Eurasia that I would be barred from returning home and I just laughed that off,” Mnangagwa said