Teacher strike loom ahead of schools opening

January 7, 2019
| Report Focus News

Harare- A closed door meeting between teacher representative organisations and the government could not bring anything meaningful as teachers claimed that they are incapacitated to report for duty when schools open on Tuesday.

Despite the Minister of Labour and Social welfare July Moyo claiming that they had an agreement with the teachers, some organisations claimed that there was nothing to write home about.

Raymond Majongwe secretary of the Progressive Teachers Union of Zimbabwe (PTUZ) said there was nothing new as it was a meeting of promises.

“There was nothing to write home about. The reality of the matter is that teachers are incapacitated and that they will report for duty on Tuesday is not a reality” said Majongwe

Zimbabwe Teachers Association (ZIMTA) secretary general Tapson Nganunu Sibanda also said teachers were not expected to be at work when schools open because they incapacitated.

“The underlying factor is that one issue remain unresolved and that is the issue of incapacitation and the nation should not expect teachers to report for duty when schools open” said Sibanda

The Minister of labour and Social Welfare, July Moyo said they have heard of the civil servants plight and that they should approach the Joint Negotiating Council with their proposals.

“We have heard the plight of our civil servants and the reserve bank governor explained the nature of our economy to the civil servants and we agreed that they should engage the Joint Negotiating Council with their proposals. The government certainly has an offer for the workers” said the Minister

The Government called for the meeting after the teachers threatened to embark on strike just like the medical doctors are doing. They are demanding that their salaries be paid in US dollars among other work related grievances.