Zimbabwe President Mnangagwa in crisis as soldiers assault workers

December 11, 2017
Report Focus News

By Shiellah Sibanda| President Emmerson Mnangagwa is in a credibility crisis following the deployment of soldiers who have been filmed in separate incidents attacking citizens. The latest of these was at a business premises where two soldiers are seen on video terrorising workers, chasing them out of the building.

If this matter is not addressed, it could severely dent Zimbabwe’s international image and particularly that of ZANU PF, analysts and MPs have warned. If this kind of behavior keep on happening in Zimbabwe I will not vote for ZANU PF,” wrote one Simba Marimo. 

Mnangagwa was on Wednesday also questioned on his motives and particularly why he has not explained to the nation as required by the law on why soldiers are still manning the streets like policemen.

MDC Chief Whip Innocent Gonese said, “Mr. Speaker, the reason why I am raising this matter is because whilst the President has the authority to deploy the Defence Forces, I believe that when this happens, there is an obligation by the President, as Commander-in-Chief to inform the nation and from my recollection we have not been informed by the President himself of the need for the deployment of the Defence Forces.