Acie Lumumba: I Am Now ZANU PF

December 6, 2017
Report Focus News

Effective December 1, 2017, I, Acie Lumumba W.G. Mutumanje, returned to ZANU PF as an active member.

The reasons for my resignation on May 19, 2016, no longer apply: the party has forcefully and credibly begun the process of reforming itself, and the ruling party is now in the unique position to drive positive change in Zimbabwe, as enunciated by its new leader.

As before, I will remain focused on youth empowerment and will continue to promote political participation of the young people in the political and reform processes.
There is no greater task before our generation than waging a war against self-induced poverty. True empowerment is in removing barriers of entry for all Zimbabwean people as they pursue their various versions of prosperity.

The events of the recent weeks have united the country in a common purpose. We have a chance to overcome our differences and focus on critical reforms that deliver prosperity to our nation. In my lifetime I have never experienced a moment when the world gave us so much goodwill to hold our hand as we pick ourselves up to join the global community. I am motivated by the window of opportunity to set our country on a pathway to recovery, I wish to be a part of that process. I recognize with great honour the comradery extended to me by opposition movements in our quest for a ZIMBABWE fir for all who live in it. I have a new and deep found respect for the work they all do. I will continue to fight for that sacred idea.