Mugabe Impeachment: The ultimate humiliation

November 21, 2017
| Report Focus News

Zimbabwe’s Parliament is due to convene within the next 30 minutes to begin impeachment proceedings against President Robert Mugabe.

Impeachment is the ultimate humiliation for a president. Lawmakers act as jurors, convicting him of various offences.

In the 93-year-old’s case, he is accused of being “incapacitated”, and of allowing his 53-year-old wife, Grace Mugabe, to usurp his presidential powers.

Usually, when the ruling party – or parliament – want to remove a president, they go for the less humiliating option of passing a no-confidence vote in him.

But Mr Mugabe’s opponents – who have rallied behind his sacked deputy, Emmerson Mnangagwa – have decided to go for the kill.

Stay with us as we cover all the drama.