Russian protests: Opposition leader arrested

June 13, 2017
| Report Focus News

Riot police in Russia have arrested more than 1000 people who gathered to protest against the alleged corrupt rule of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

One of those arrested was the opposition leader, Alexei Navalny, who organised the protests and has since been jailed for 30 days.

Tens of thousands of people attended the protests across Russia on Monday (local time), defiant against what they say is corruption rife throughout the nation.

Attendees chanted phrases including “Russia without Putin”, “Putin is a thief”, and “we deserve an honest Russia”.

But the unsanctioned rallies were raided by riot police and more than 1000 people were rounded up by officers across the country.

Mr Navalny called for the protests and was arrested outside his home in Moscow while heading to one of the rallies.

He’s been sentenced to 30 days in jail but his lawyer, Konstantin Terekhov, has accused the judge of illegally collaborating with police ahead of the trial.

“The police themselves brought coordinated draft documents to the court. So the court illegally coordinated law violation protocols before the trial had begun,” he said.

“The judge herself prepared the documents. She has been helping and advising policemen [before the trial].”

Mr Putin has been in power for 17 years and is set to run again next year. Mr Navalny has announced his intention to run against him.