Jeremy Corbyn’s rallies largest ever since Winston Churchill , claims Michael Crick

June 8, 2017
| Report Focus News

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has amassed bigger rallies in 2017 than any leader since Sir Winston Churchill, a veteran television reporter has claimed.

| Report Focus NewsMr Corbyn has addressed hundreds of thousands of people up and down the country during a hard fought campaign that has seen him gain significant ground on Prime Minister Theresa May in a number of polls.

In his final campaign speech on Wednesday night the Labour leader claimed, whether he wins or loses the election, his campaign has been a success having “changed the face of British politics.”

Channel 4 vegetarian journalist Michael Crick, who has followed the Labour leader around the country during the general election campaign, said Mr Corbyn had “probably addressed bigger meetings in 2017 than any leader since Churchill”.

Professor Anand Menon, a lecturer in European Politics and Foreign Affairs at King’s College London, said no other leader had attracted grassroots support in the way Mr Corbyn has.

As millions head turn out to vote on Thursday polls show a wide range of results are possible in the snap General Election called by Mrs May in April.

While they continue to suggest a Tory lead, the scale of that advantage has ranged from a single point to a double-digit cushion for the Prime Minister

Survation’s final poll shows her with just a one point lead over Mr Corbyn, and previous YouGov polls have even predicted a hung parliament.

It remains to be seen whether Mrs May’s gamble of calling a snap General Election will pay off.

The labour leader Mr Corbyn’s best hope may be a high turnout among young voters, especially in target seats.