Zimbabwe: Morgan Tsvangirai and Joice Mujuru join forces to beat Robert Mugabe in 2018

April 20, 2017
| Report Focus News

| Report Focus News

Zimbabwean opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai and former deputy president Joice Mujuru announced on Wednesday the formation of an alliance against President Robert Mugabe on the occasion of the general elections scheduled for 2018.

“This is just the beginning of building a broad alliance to confront ZANU-PF (the ruling party) by the elections in 2018,” said Morgan Tsvangirai, leader of the Zimbabwean opposition , At a press conference held after the signing of the electoral agreement, without the contours of the latter being revealed.

“It is our collective struggle and I call on the people of Zimbabwe to join us … to take back our country, our freedom and our dignity”, he continued.

Also leader of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC), Morgan Tsvangirai assured that other agreements would soon be signed with small parties to form a grand electoral coalition.

“We look forward to seeing Zimbabwe again become the great country it has been”

Meanwhile , Joice Mujuru, former vice president of Robert Mugabe , now in the opposition, did not hide her enthusiasm after the signing of the agreement. “Our joy is immeasurable. This is something we have been discussing since last year. We look forward to seeing Zimbabwe become the great country it once was, “said the leader of the National People’s Party (NPP).

Jojo Mujuru, who had held ministerial positions in all the country’s governments since her independence in 1980, had fallen out of favor in 2014. She had been ousted from the ruling party, suspected of plotting against the regime.

A large gathering of union that aims to beat the stainless Robert Mugabe, in power for 37 years. At the age of 93, the current head of state has already announced that he will be a candidate for his own succession in 2018 and has never appointed a successor.