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Zimbabwe Struggles to Contain Cholera Outbreak

The capital Harare has been inundated by the outbreak, with more than 3,000 cases reported. NGOs have accused the government of spending state cash on luxury items instead of providing basic healthcare. The latest cholera epidemic in Zimbabwe has claimed the lives
September 17, 2018
Cholera outbreak kills 10 people in Zimbabwe

Cholera outbreak kills 10 people in Zimbabwe

A cholera outbreak has killed 10 people in Zimbabwe’s capital Harare after they drank contaminated water, a city health official said on Sunday. Harare city council has struggled to supply water to some suburbs for more than a decade, forcing residents to
September 9, 2018

Walter Mzembi, suffering stomach cancer, trial postponed

Embattled former cabinet minister Walter Mzembi is reportedly battling stomach cancer and will be undergoing treatment for one year, a Harare court has heard. Mzembi told Milton Serima the Harare magistrate, that he has been diagnosed with gastric cancer and has since
July 25, 2018

85 % of Zimbabweans are consulting prophets for illness

Ludwig Chanyau A recent study by the Ministry of Health and Child Care which was reported in a number of local media outlets claimed that about 85 percent of Zimbabweans are shunning doctors and consulting prophets for illnesses. None of the reports
September 9, 2017

Robert Mugabe back from Singapore health check-up

Harare – President Robert Mugabe arrived back in Zimbabwe on Saturday after a week-long trip to Singapore for a medical check-up, state radio said. The ZBC said Mugabe and his wife Grace were met at the Harare International Airport by the country’s
July 15, 2017