Sechaba Mokhethi

SECHABA MOKHETHI is a freelance journalist based in Lesotho. He has worked as Political Journalist for Public Eye newspaper in Lesotho. He then moved to become Lesotho Correspondent for South Africa based African Independent and for The Southern Times situated in Namibia. He has also contributed stories for Good Governance Africa and IDN IndepthNews, a flagship of International Press Syndicate. He is Managing Director and co-founder of MNN Centre for Investigative Journalism in Lesotho. He is also Deputy Secretary General for Media Institute of Southern Africa-Lesotho. Mokhethi is a holder of a BA degree in Political Science and Public Administration from National University of Lesotho.

Lesotho health ministry split over vaccine

Opinions are divided on the continuance of the ill-fated Lesotho national Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) vaccination campaign that landed hundreds of children in hospital with symptoms of full-blown measles and signs of extreme side effects. The national crisis that saw parents
March 28, 2017

Trump policy raps Lesotho health services

MASERU – After-effects of the January 29 reinstatement of the US government’s Mexico City Policy by President Donald Trump are starting to be felt in the Southern African poverty-stricken tiny kingdom of Lesotho. Under this policy, foreign non-governmental organizations that receive family
March 28, 2017

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