Ravi Zacharias Sexually abused women | Report Focus News

Ravi Zacharias Sexually abused women

December 24, 2020
Ravi Zacharias | Report Focus News
Ravi Zacharias

The Christian world is rocked once again by news that the late Ravi Zacharias sexually abused multiple women.
Zacharias who died earlier this year was accused of engaging in sexual misconduct and is said to have taken advantage of and sexual manipulated some women who worked for some business that he owned.

In a statement released on Wednesday 23 December the Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM) notified staff, donors, and supporters that there is “convincing and credible” evidence that Ravi Zacharias “engaged in sexual misconduct over the course of many years.”

In what was described as a preliminary report from the law firm hired by RZIM.

It is now confirmed in these findings that the well renowned international apologist the late Ravi Zacharias, sexually abused numerous women.

The final report is forthcoming, and RZIM has committed to releasing it to the public. The investigators at the law firm Miller & Martin have told the board, however, that many victims have “spoken candidly and with great detail,” confirming the allegations of massage therapists who worked in two Atlanta spas that Zacharias partially owned. The team has uncovered other misconduct as well. The investigation is ongoing and the investigators are continuing to pursue leads.

“We know this news will send all of us, and thousands of others, into grief, confusion, disillusionment, and anger,” wrote Sarah Davis, RZIM’s CEO and Zacharias’s daughter. “We know that you will have many questions, as we all do as well.”
Davis also wrote that “We grieve profoundly with those who have suffered from Ravi’s sexual misconduct” and asked staff and supporters to pray for them.

RZIM initially denied the allegations, releasing a statement that said “the family and ministry teammates of Ravi Zacharias” did not believe them to be true, because they “do not in any way comport with the man we knew for decades.” A number of RZIM teammates objected to the statement and said they did believe the women making the allegations.

The announcement follows weeks of increasing pressure from staff inside RZIM voicing criticism of leadership for the way it has protected its founder’s legacy.

The full report of the investigation into Zacharias’s misconduct is expected in January.

Meanwhile, there continues to be a lot more of such reports of women being sexually abused by Christian leaders.
Report Focus News has received numerous reports with regards sexual abuse from victims of a London based prophet who has links with what has been termed the prophetic mafia.

South Africa has also seen it share of this awful behaviour from man of the cloth.

Bishop Zondo is currently facing rape charges. While fugitive Shephard Bushiri reportedly has nine cases of rape against him in South Africa.

It is however, encouraging to note that the Ravi Zacharias International Ministries team took the step to investigate and confirm their leaders misconduct.

Something that many in the African led so-called-prophetic churches would have paid top dollar to cover up.