‘MDC Government Will Set Aside Month for Heroes Remembrance’

August 10, 2019

Nelson Chamisa says it will declare a Heroes and Memorials Month if it is elected by local people to run the country as a way of remembering the role played by former freedom fighters who participated in the liberation struggle of the 1960s.

In a statement to mark Heroes Day, The MDC led by Nelson Chamisa said, “Our new government will declare a Heroes and Memorials month so that the nation is accorded adequate time to remember the sacrifices made, the courage exhibited, the bodies maimed and the lives lost in the struggle to liberate and democratize our beautiful Zimbabwe.

“We will be setting aside a whole month to celebrate this significant epoch in the national story of Zimbabwe, these celebrations will be done and reflected through how we look after our people, especially the most vulnerable.”

The party said in a new Zimbabwe, under a people’s government, “everyday will be a Heroes Day, because we honour our heroes through how we live our lives and not through cosmetic, vacuous and inadequate celebrations that ignore our people’s suffering.

“There is nothing heroic or revolutionary about stealing money meant for pensioners at NSSA (National Social Security Authority), and looting money meant for social services as we have seen happen for decades under the present government.”

Millions of dollars were allegedly siphoned from NSSA by some state officials, including fired Labor Minister Prisca Mupfumira, who is currently in remand prison facing charges of abuse of office linked to the suspected stealing of up to $95 million from the social security entity.

The ruling Zanu PF government is planning to hold several heroes remembrance celebrations on Monday throughout the country, which will be followed by the Zimbabwe Defence Forces Day on Tuesday.