Sydney Sekeramayi vows Emmerson Mnangagwa support

July 24, 2018

Former Defence Minister seized the moment during President Mnangagwa’s Marondera rally where he was asked to give some closing remarks to rally support behind Mnangagwa and his band of Team Lacoste candidates.

“Let us vote for President Emmerson Mnangagwa. Let us be united, work together in peace and support our leadership in the 30 July elections,” he said.

“I want to assure you; Your Excellency, we will support all party candidates vying for positions in the party in this election. We will vote for all of them. You must trust this province.”

He added, “President, you have informed us that in this new dispensation, Zimbabwe must now prosper. We know you always fulfil your promises. There will be no bank queues after 30 July.

“On this day, the province will vote Zanu-PF into power.”