Moyo blames Annan on giving dictators ‘a soft landing’

July 23, 2018
Report Focus News

The former minister and a member of the G40 cabal Jonathan Moyo yesterday blamed the former UN General secretary Kofi Annan for going too easy on dictators.

The self exiled minister has since been on a rampage attack on the current government running the country  since his ouster last year in November.

Taking his scathing accussation to twitter Moyo wrote,”Ask anyone who knows@KofiAnnanthe skilled diplomat & elusive broker in electoral disputes in Africa; they’ll tell you that he’s notorious for giving dictators a soft landing whenever he secures a game changing agreement that in fact favours democratic forces,” He tweeted.

This attack comes after the Elders Council led by former United Nations secretary-general, Kofi Annan, wrapped up their three-day working visit to Harare on Saturday.

The Elders Council is a grouping of eminent global leaders working to promote world peace and human rights. During their visit, the leaders met President Emmerson Mnangagwa, opposition leaders, Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (Zec) officials, diplomats, civil society groups, among other stakeholders.