Kasukuwere says the only industry that is working in Zimbabwe is politics

May 23, 2018
Report Focus News

Former Zimbabwe African National Union-Patriotic Front national commissar and G40 kingpin, Saviour Kasukuwere, returned home yesterday after six months in exile and said he is quitting politics to go into business.

Kasukuwere fled the country soon after the military intervention in November last year but returned amid accusations by his former colleagues that he had sold out.

Kasukuwere brushed off these allegations saying: “You have to learn in life as an individual that there are times you have to make decisions that are in the interest of the individual. I have interest in farming and I have interest in the country…..”

Asked if he is going back into politics, Kasukuwere responded: “It will take a lot of convincing. There is a lot that all of us can do. We all can’t be in one field. It appears the only industry working is politics but we must move beyond politics. Get to talk about business. Do you know the President of Switzerland? Nobody knows him because they are into business. We need to get to a stage where whoever is the President is not the issue. What is an issue is the health of the nation and the state of the economy. We need to make sure that the future of our people is looked after. The people of Zimbabwe are yearning to have a decent living standard…”

He also said: “Tyson remains Tyson. Relaxed. Going farming. You know we are beneficiaries of the land reform. There is business to be done, that is the future. We will continue to work. You see every soccer player must come to a time when he takes a decision that today I am not playing soccer. Maybe later, but for now just take it easy. Just run business. Go farming. Keep relaxed.”

Everyone seems to be seeing money is politics. Zimbabwe had only 35 registered political parties in June last year. They rose to 75 just a month before President Robert Mugabe stepped down. They have since risen to more than 120 with Local Government Minister July Moyo saying they now stand at 127.